Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Good Manners Are Important

I did promise Drowsey Monkey that today’s blog was going to be chock full of porn and illicit behavior, so, just for her, I am typing this post pants less.

Which reminds me of something else. Years before meeting the Crotchety Old Lady, I dipped into the newspaper personals to try to meet someone.

It didn’t go well at all. And here’s some advice for the ladies: even if the guy taking you out is a total loser


don’t scarf down 30 dollars worth of Chinese food while telling him about some other guy you met.

It’s just bad manners.

I learned everything about manners from Goofus and Gallant while reading Highlights Magazine in Doctor's Offices


I wonder what ever happened to them? I’d like to think that Gallant became a great dad, and a family man, while Goofus just became a used car salesman.

I’ve done some research. I’m reasonably sure this is Gallant today:


and what happened to Goofus?



Anonymous said...

You mentioned Chinese food, put up a picture of Richard Simmons...then George Bush...I have this crazy feeling someone is trying to deprogram me on eating Chinese food...D-i-a-b-o-l-i-c-a-l.

Da Old Man said...

@ Lucy: No, I'm not that smart. Though it would be a good idea.

Bradley said...

Goofus was alway my favorite until you showed me what he grew up as. Damn.

Thanks for taking me back. Just the other day I was wondering what magazine they were in. I'd forgotten all about Highlights.

Anonymous said...

Us poor deprived Brits didn't have Goofus and Gallant, of course, but they do look rather wonderful. I always wondered what The Shrub was like as a kid ...

Kathy said...

Have you met your Richards Simmons quota for the month yet? I'm scared of your blog now. I'm going to be slightly "off" the rest of the day. Although you've redeemed yourself by reminding me of Highlights. Good save!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Lucy... I think you're secretly trying to turn us away from Chinese food.

I miss Goofus and Gallant! I almost forgot about them!

Kate said...

Sooooooo true. I loved those kids but was always secretly rooting for Goofus. Gallant was such a goody-goody. Just once I wish Goofus had clocked him.

Unknown said...

So I am curious-- is that really you in the umbrella hat? Or is that just a past sweatshop kid forced to work in the first Totes Umbrella factory?

Inquiring minds want to know. :)

Da Old Man said...

@ Bradley: You had to know Goofus was going to be a politician when he grew up.

@ jay: You Brits miss all the good stuff.

@ Kathy: Just when I'm convinced Richard is done, he finds a way to sneak back onto my blog.

@ Shadow: Never. Cold sesame noodles make life worth living.

@ Kate: He was such a little dork, only Boy Scoutier.

@ Jenn: Of course it's me. The picture isn't current, and rubba may have photoshopped the hat, but that's me, in my prepubescent state. It went downhill from there.

This Brazen Teacher said...

Oh lord. You have made my whole day with that trip down memory lane.

Anonymous said...

This is fantastic!

Da Old Man said...

@ Brazen: It's just like you're ready to get your tetanus booster.

@ Sean: Thanks.

Anne Coleman said...

LMAO! I've not seen a truer representation of Bush's real identity!

Da Old Man said...

@ Anne: I spent minutes researching that. It was so obvious.

Rubba said...

Goofus ------>

Now where are my damn shoes?. . .

Chat Blanc said...

this is like one of those tell all "where are they now--child actors gone bad" shows, how shocking! Mystery solved!! :)

Da Old Man said...

@ Rubba: It's only the left shoe. I'm saving up for the shipping.

@ Sandy: Most kid stars do have a tragic adult life. Point proven.

Anonymous said...

If it weren't so terribly tragic... it would be funny. How wonderful it would be if he were just a "goofus" unstead of the CFR giant he is...

Unknown said...

AHHHHH!! those were the days when hats were hats and people used manners.

Da Old Man said...

@ lori: lol

@ Pamela: Yes, we were well mannered and nattily attired

MYM said...

First, I just assume everyone writing a blog is pantless ... but thanks for the confirmation ;)

I don't know those cartoon characters ... but I do appreciate the tip about the chinese food. That could explain a lot about my previous dates. Ah ha.

:) Thanks for the illicit content. Made my day.

Da Old Man said...

@ Drowsey: You are quite welcome. It wasn't the Chinese food, it was talking about someone else she was interested in. She should have either cancelled the date, paid her own way, or at least waited until I suggested a second date. She was the female equivalent of Goofus. :)

April said...

LOL so much for goofus, i will go with gallant!


You are too much! Pantless. I spit out my tofu and started laughing!

Da Old Man said...

@ April: Neither one turned out too well.

@ Health nut Mom: Sorry. :)

Anonymous said...

well, if you're disabled u have it pretty tough in the dating game but there are specialist dating sites for disabled people


Anonymous said...

Great blog like my one http://carsworldmarket.blogspot.com

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